Goodmorning head ache!!!
My head ache is still going strong and keeps me company since a couple days now......I'm trying to understand why it doesn't disappear....I may have a clew....stress and a lot of thoughts...
Yesterday morning we didn't have any electricity due to an unpaid salary in the family is really heavy....every day you have to be precise in what you buy and you cannot go over line ever...let's hope that my husband manage to find work even if I think that's quite difficult as here in Italy the age is really an issue. Basically after 30 you har not interesting for the job market any more. Crazy don't you thing as you older you are the more experience you have, that means though that you have to pay more so they prefer to hire a young person with no experience giving them a trainee contract so they pay less. Incredible don't you think....
Well well, now it's only remaining 12 days to payment day so we're slowy getting closer...keeping up the hope though!
Buona giornata!!!
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