Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Swimming competition 2 - New personal best
Yesterday we had a whole day swimming competition, the second of the season. My daughter Chiara had 2 competions, 100m free style in the morning and 50m freestyle in the afternoon. On 50 m she held her time but on the 100m she manage to lower her personal best, improving with 3 sec, 1.09.08!!!! Go girl!!!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Disaster Sardinia, Italy
My thoughts go to the victims of the flood in Sardinia. To the people who have lost everything; their loved ones, homes and personal affections.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Swimming competition
My daughter is having her first swimmimg competition of the season....she is very excited as she have her new swimming suite.I'm exited to but also very tired....I have taken with me 4 h of sleep and a huge head ache but what do you not do for your children. I think we parents often or almost always are more exited then our children!!!
My son is playing soccer and I' m his biggest supporter and that goes for my daughter too but my god how many people are going to the swimming competitions, morr then to the soccer games...rrally crazy. And that for only 30-60 sec of competition!!!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Pasta with chickpeas
This eveving for dinner I'm preparing pasta with ceci. A very quick plate that you can prepare in about 15 min. I use 2 cans (400 g each) of ready chickpeas, half union ena 5-6 cherry tomatoes. Put some olive oil in a pan and start to roast union,wtomatoes and a bit of salt for about 5 min.
In the mean time boil the water for the pasta.
After 5 min add the chickpeas to the union and tomatoes and let them roast together for about 5 min and then turn it off.
I use the pasta Pipe Rigate (a macaroni pasta) as the chickpeas easily enters in it.
When the pasta is ready mix it with the chickoeas and add some salt, white pepper and olive oil.
Buon appetito!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
23 October 2013 - Thinking Netherlands Antilles
Always at this time of the year I get in some kind of depression and I always start to look for warm places where to transfer and yesterday I checked out the Netherlands Antilles. It really seems a paradise, it's around 25°C all year, perfect, and I could really immagine my self moving there! I checked work possibilities and it seems quite ok. The only thing I ask my self, how would it be living on an island? Will you not feel limited? I mean, on the island Bonaire (one of the caribbean islands) the population is 16,541, that means the have of the population in the city where I live in now....would I not get crazy?!?! But maybe the weather conditions and the life would let me forget that....I need to check some things out first and then I will make my valuation....
Monday, October 21, 2013
Bouillon with pasta
This evening I decided to prepare some bouillion with pasta. I putted some union, a few cherry tomatoes, a carrot, a celery. I added some salt, bouillion, a bit of curry, chilli peppar, some pieces of parmeggiano, olive oil and parsley. Let it boil for about 20 min and add the pasta.
Buon appetito!
21 october 2013
Yesterday evening I made some home made bread and the usual swedish cake that I really adore. I spent 4 hours in the kitchen between cooking and baking. I was really exhaused but I was glad of the result.
Now lets see what this week has to bring.....
Have a nice day!
Friday, October 18, 2013
18 October 2013
I believe today I woke up angry as hell....we have some changes at work that makes me the managers have decided to move the start time 15 min so the flexible time starts at 8.30 instead of 8.15!! 15 min doesn't change anyting.....on the working side but for the people (including me) who is coming to work by car or public transportation changes a lot!!
Luckily today is friday and it gives me some extra energy to go through this working day with a small smile on my face...
Thursday, October 17, 2013
17 October 2013 - Late
Now lets see what the rest of day has to give!
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
4 stove cooking
Buon appetito!
16 October 2013
My head ache is still going strong and keeps me company since a couple days now......I'm trying to understand why it doesn't disappear....I may have a clew....stress and a lot of thoughts...
Yesterday morning we didn't have any electricity due to an unpaid salary in the family is really heavy....every day you have to be precise in what you buy and you cannot go over line ever...let's hope that my husband manage to find work even if I think that's quite difficult as here in Italy the age is really an issue. Basically after 30 you har not interesting for the job market any more. Crazy don't you thing as you older you are the more experience you have, that means though that you have to pay more so they prefer to hire a young person with no experience giving them a trainee contract so they pay less. Incredible don't you think....
Well well, now it's only remaining 12 days to payment day so we're slowy getting closer...keeping up the hope though!
Buona giornata!!!
Monday, October 14, 2013
14 October 2013
Today I have a day off but don't think I got to sleep any longer this morning...the alarm went off at 6.15, I got out of my bed and prepared breakfast for my son who has the train for school evert morning at 7.16. I brought him to the train station e went back home to assist my daughter preparing herself for school, luckily she only has 300 m to school.
A busy morning as usual...
Now the kids are at school and I got some strange energy to make some home made bread. Like this I don't need to buy some for a couple of days and honestly the home made bread is so much tastier then the one you buy in the supermercato.
I only hope that it will succeed with my home bakery!!!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
12 October 2013
I honestly do not understand why weekends are called so....
This morning a stood up at 8.30, went out with the dogs, got back home prepared a cake then breakfast, after that I started dishwashing, passed the vacuum cleaner in the entire house. Done everything, it's already 13 p.m. and I'm just in time to prepare pasta with tuna sauce for lunch!!!
I can say for sure that it's more relaxing staying in the office!!!
Buon appetito!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
11 October 2013
This morning I woke up and it was all quite, so I looked outside and everything was as usual except some leaves and peaces of trees on the ground.
After standing up I prepared some tea for me and my son (my daughter gets up later), took a shower and got dressed.
We ate the remaining things there was to eat, rusks with marmelade and tea.
We were running late for the train that my son takes every morning so I had to drive like a crazy to the train station and luckily he got on the train.
Now the sun is looking out and it should get to around 17°C today, so after all today seems to become a better day then yesterday!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
10 october 2013
Lo dico a voi perchè per me di sicuro non lo è: BUONA GIORNATA
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Enkel middag
Ikväll blir det linsärtor och basmati ris med sojasås som är nyttigt, billigt å gott! Till det har gjort Bruschetta och inlagd ättiksgurka.
Buon appetito!
Mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013
Preparo il cappuccino "alla Anna" per me e mio figlio, purtroppo non ho la macchinetta per il cappuccio e uso il mixer per schiumare il latte e devo dire che dopo un paio di volte sono diventata abbastanza brava a farlo....almeno mio figlio non si lamenta e quello è già un buon segno....
Come ogni mattina accompagno mio figlio alla stazione e poi vado direzione lavoro. Vado con calma perchè uno non ho fretta, posso entrare solo dalle 8.15 in ufficio, secondo devo risparmiare sulla benzina. Eh si, ogni mese ho lo stesso problema, i soldi!!! Il pensiero è sempre li. Ogni volta dopo il giorno che mi è arrivata lo stipendio aspetto che il bancomat mi fa notare che la mia "disponibiltà di prelievo" è solo di €50.....cavolo, siamo solo al 3 del mese!!! Vi giuro che è un terrore....poi ti passa per la testa mille pensieri....come faccio ad arrivare alla fine del mese??? Non dormi niente perchè non riesci a nn pensare....ogni giorno sei stanca, se sei stanca non riesci a concentrarti...BASTA!!! Dicono tutti che i soldi non fanno la felicità, di SICURO fa la TRANQUILLITA!!!
Oggi devo dire che sono più tranquilla del solito ma la giornata non è ancora finita........
Buona giornata!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Sommartallrik med zucchini och körsbärstomater
1 lök
10-15 körsbärstomater
3-4 zucchini
Häll 2 msk olivolja i en stekpanna, hacka löken i små bitar och lägg den i stekpannan, tillägg lite salt, skiva tomaterna och häll i dem i stekpannan och stek dem tills dem är mjuka, skiva zucchinerna och stek allt i ytterligare högst 5 min. Zucchinerna ska inte bli mjuka. Tillsätt salt och peppar. Klart!
Att äta med basmatiris.
Smaklig måltid!